PCG - National Children's Service Teachers' Fellowship

PCG - National Children's Service Teachers' Fellowship


We Pray Together For A Common Goal

We Pray Together For A Common Goal


Join Us To Pray On the Topics Below:

Thank you for being our prayer partner today. Please do join us to pray again, God willing, tomorrow and every other day. The grace and peace of God be with you at all times. Have a blessed day.


Prayer isn’t just about asking God for things you need or desire. It’s about establishing a relationship with Him built on faith and trust in Him. 

What you should know is that, prayer draws you closer to God. So find time to pray and continue to pray without ceasing.

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. (Mark 11:24 – NIV)

Let every Children's Service Teacher continue to PRAY without ceasing.

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