We are members of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, and people called by God to lead children to CHRIST.
God instructed the Jews through Moses to teach His commandments to their children. (Deut. 6:7). The purpose for this instruction, as explained in Psalm 78:5-7, is to put the trust of God in the hearts of the children.
Jesus Christ in His short earthly ministry endorsed the ministry to children when He said: “Let the children come to me, and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (Mark 10:14b GNB)
We have been called in our time, to continue the above task.
Our Mission
“The Children’s Ministry of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana will work in partnership with others to bring children into the saving power of our Lord Jesus Christ; and nurture them to grow physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially and spiritually, into Christian maturity.”
Working in partnership with others recognizes the role of parents (or the family), society (government and community), and other structures in the Church, in the holistic nurture of children.
The Child is recognized as the primary focus of the ministry and his/her salvation and balanced (holistic) nurture is the key focus of the ministry. This is consistent with the way Jesus grew up as stated in Luke 2:52.
Our Vision
“That every child will grow up a Christian, in the home, community and Church, where his/her developmental needs are met in a holistic manner”

National President
Mr. Ernest Kissi Sarfo

National Secretary
Mr. Emmanuel Sam