PCG - National Children's Service Teachers' Fellowship

PCG - National Children's Service Teachers' Fellowship

YAF Day With Children's Service

The Young Adult Fellowship (YAF) of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana has set aside a day in the month of October every year to worship with the Children’s Service in the church and help the Children’s Services in general. This year’s YAF Day was held on 30th October, 2022 in all congregations of PCG. The National President of YAF, Dr. Philip Kankam, on the YAF Day, worship  with children at Kojokrom and Fffiakuma Children’s Services in the Western Presbytery of PCG.

Donations were made to the Children’s Services. The items donated included, Flat Screen Television, Drum, Water Dispenser, Children’s Hymn books, and Assorted drinks.

The National executives and the entire Children’s Service teachers of PCG, led by our National President, Mr. Ernest Kissi Sarfo, are grateful to YAF of PCG. It is our prayer that the good Lord will continue to bless YAF in the church to continue with this good work.

Below are pictures of YAF Day at the Kojokrom Children’s Service in the Western Presbytery.

Pictures of other donations presented to Children's Services in the various Presbyteries during the YAF DAY with Children's Service.

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YAF Day With Children's Service

The Young Adult Fellowship (YAF) of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana has set aside a day in the month of October every year to worship with the Children’s Service in the church and help the Children’s Services in general. This year’s YAF Day was held on 30th October, 2022 in all congregations of PCG. The National President of YAF, Dr. Philip Kankam, on the YAF Day, worship  with children at Kojokrom and Fffiakuma Children’s Services in the Western Presbytery of PCG.

Donations were made to the Children’s Services. The items donated included, Flat Screen Television, Drum, Water Dispenser, Children’s Hymn books, and Assorted drinks.

The National executives and the entire Children’s Service teachers of PCG, led by our National President, Mr. Ernest Kissi Sarfo, are grateful to YAF of PCG. It is our prayer that the good Lord will continue to bless YAF in the church to continue with this good work.

Below are pictures of YAF Day at the Kojokrom Children’s Service in the Western Presbytery.

Pictures of other donations presented to Children's Services in the various Presbyteries during the YAF DAY with Children's Service.

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